Thursday, July 12, 2012

OK, tonight was a throwback to a bleak and dark time.  I've fought with panic attacks on and off through my life, and they tend to be focused around driving.  So tonight, I was at Burbank airport and terrified to drive home.  I did... on surface streets.  Apparently 1-3/4 hours of driving are less painful than taking the freeway for half an hour?  By the time I got through Glendale I was a lot calmer, but at that point I was determined to make it home BY SURFACE STREET. (For the record: I take the freeway to work, but it's a road I've travelled a great deal, it's short, and, most importantly, there are no interchanges to freak out over.  )
I have to drive out there next week to pick up my husband from the airport.  Here are some ideas I've come up with for the drive:
1) get a friend to drive me/us
2) drive surface streets

I'm hoping that #3 will seem like a good option by the time the drive rolls around. It will be light, which will help. Usually, I start with #3 and end up defaulting to #2 at some point.  (Note: I don't want to make my husband take a cab after he's been through two plane changes. I also don't want to tell him that I had problems driving home.  Except that there's this honesty thing somewhere in the yamas and niyamas, so maybe I should bite the bullet and be humiliated.)