Friday, January 13, 2012


I may or may not have mentioned 2011 was My Year of Medicine.  In January, I started allergy testing; in February, I started allergy shots.  In July, I was dignosed with cataracts in both eyes. In August, I stopped taking a few asthma medications because I didn't need them any more. In October and November, I had the cataracts removed.  And in December, I had veneers put on my upper teeth to fix the four broken ones.  And so we come to January of 2012, where I am in the process of weaning myself off the remainer of asthma meds that I no longer need. One of these meds is called "theophylline," which is a bronchio-dilator very similar to caffeine.  Cutting my dosage in half was not a problem.  Forgoing altogether was a different story.  Today it has been one week since my last theophylline tablet, and I have been dizzy, tired, and generally feeling like I've been hit by a truck -- sound anything like a java addict without a caffeine fix?

The point of this rabbit trail?  I've been taking bronchio-dilators (a.k.a. 'stimulants') for twenty-five years.  One of the issues with detoxing from these is the potential for weight gain.  Everyone together: OMGWTF?

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